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AIRGUNS | Co2 PISTOLS DAISY | Daisy Powerline® 5501

Daisy Powerline® 5501

Analytic Description

The Daisy 5501 is styled after the Brazilian Taurus Millenium Pro. It has a blowback metal slide and a plastic frame.It is designed to shoot steel BBs from a 15-shot clip that loads into the grip.The action is DA only and the trigger pull is long but light, measuring a respectable 3.9 lb.When used with quality BBs, the Daisy 5501 is capable of respectable accuracy.The gun feels solid in your hand and points well.


Using BBs of 5.5 gr the highest velocity measured was 406 fps, the lowest was 390 fps (average of the 10-shot string was 397 fps
Sights: The sights are in black color not adjustable and the front sight has a painted white dot to facilitate aiming.
The cocking indicator is visible through the cut-out at the back of the slide, indicates if the blowback action has been activated by first manually pulling the slide back.
The safety is the lever nearest the front of the gun, followed by the slide lock lever and the decocking lever.
The magazine release button is located just behind the trigger guard.

Unlike many recently introduced BB guns made in Taiwan and Japan, these controls are not just cosmetic, they actually work rendering model 5501 one of the most enjoyable CO2 pistols for the pure backyard fun, serious marksmanship, and realistic semi-automatic action.

Model 5501

Code Descri. Caliber Magazine Capacity Weight Price       
985501-442 Daisy Power Line® Model 5501 4,5 mm 15 ΒΒs 450 gr. 169.00€


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